Locked Out Again...(Part 2 of the Ladies Book Study)

Yes, I have found myself locked out of my house for the second time.  Only a couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the experience of trying to break into my own home.  This week, after my children went to their rooms for the night, I sat down to talk to my husband.  As we were discussing some frustrations, I followed my husband into our garage where he was washing clothes.  As we tried to walk back into the house after he was finished, I realized the door wouldn't open.  I had locked both of us in the garage!  I can normally pick the lock, but my tools were in the house.  We beat on the door and yelled our children's names to no response, not even our dog.  We lifted the garage door from inside, and I ran around to the front door in my fluffy, pink robe.  Luckily, the front door hadn't gotten locked yet.  My children swore they didn't hear us yelling their names.  They thought that the banging was us hammering something.  I ask you, why would we build something at 10:30 pm?  Everything worked out for the good.  Later that week, my ladies group did our book study on The Pleasure of His Company by Dutch Sheets.  Through chapters 5-10, we saw the importance of returning to our first love.  He used Luke 10:38-42 to look at when Jesus came to the house of Lazarus.  Martha was serving food as was custom for the women.  She became angry at her sister, Mary.  Instead of serving, Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to His teaching.  Though Martha was doing what was expected of her, Mary chose the better thing.  When you look at the origin for the word "listening,"  it means to understand.  Jesus was saying that Mary understood what He was saying.  Do we get so busy in our lives that we forget our first love, Jesus?  Do we make time to listen to His voice?  At the ladies retreat this weekend, we discussed that as we make time to listen to His voice, it changes how we see the situations in our lives.  Our priorities change.  Are you like my children?  You hear Jesus knocking on the door to your heart, but don't understand what He wants?  Then slow down.  Take time to sit at His feet and listen.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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