What Was Lost Is Now Found

Do you have anyone in your family that loses everything they touch?  My husband is that person.  He is known in our family for putting things somewhere safe and then forgetting that "safe" place.  I usually find the lost things, but this weekend was a test of my abilities.  My husband bought a coke machine for our church.  After everything was in place to turn the machine on, he realized he couldn't find the key to open it.  We spent a lot of time looking for the key with no results.  Meanwhile, my son participated in a fundraiser at school selling t-shirts.  He received a check for his wares and put the check in his pocket.  Some of you are probably saying, "Oh no!"  You would be right.  Late on a Friday night, he came to me asking if I had seen a check anywhere.  That was when he came clean and admitted he had lost the check.  I searched his room, his clothes, his very cluttered backpack.  Nothing.  At this point, we realized the check must have fallen out of his pocket at school.  My first response was to ask him why he had waited so late to tell me about the lost check. We couldn't search a school at night without being arrested.  We prayed that the check would be found on the bus.  The chances of someone not stealing the check were slim, but we stood on our prayers.  The next day, my husband checked the bus to find the check sitting safely on the seat where my son had last sat.  After praying for the check to be found, my son felt a burst of faith and also prayed for the coke machine key to be found.  He then ran into our den and pulled open a drawer on a cabinet.  I had just checked the cabinet, but there it was.  Here is my point.  The more you focus on the good things God has done in your life, the more you have faith that He will continue to be there for you.  If someone asks me to help with a fundraiser, I am much more likely to help someone in whom I have a relationship than someone that I don't know.  If you have a relationship with God, then He wants to support you.  Focus on His faithfulness in past experiences, and it will be much easier to believe that He will be there for you in the future.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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