Out of Luck

Are you the person in your group that orders something, and they are always out of it?  Last weekend, my family and I decided to make a surprise visit to my oldest son at college.  We enjoyed a little Steak & Shake and Hurts Donuts.  One of our favorite traditions is playing cards at Hurts Donuts and then feasting on our favorite specialty donut.  I'm always the lucky one that no matter what I order, they are out of that particular thing.  My husband didn't believe me when we first married, but soon became convinced.  After multiple attempts to order, only to find them sold out, or my favorite, no longer making that dish anymore, I have learned to be more flexible.  A highlight was when I visited a well-known chain restaurant in Mobile, Alabama years ago.  I ordered a Monte Cristo, which I happen to love.  The waiter politely told me to order something else.  I told him I want that, not something else.  He then informed me that the chef had no clue how to make that sandwich, so he couldn't guarantee what would show up if I ordered it.  Needless to say, I declined ordering it.  So as my family and I stood before the counter looking at the large variety of confections at Hurts Donuts, I was not surprised when I found out they were out of the one thing I order every time I go.  I sucked it up and ordered something else.  It was not quite as good, but I enjoyed it because my joy was about spending time with my family, not about getting exactly what I wanted.  As Thanksgiving rolls around, people everywhere are gearing up to drive or fly to spend time with family all over our nation.  So when things don't happen exactly like you would like, don't throw away the spirit of thankfulness.  Turkeys burn, dishes turn out bad, and families argue, but that doesn't mean we can't be thankful for having people in whom to spend time, food to eat, and being surrounded by people who care about us.  Find joy in that because that is what is really important.  The rest just makes funny stories later.  Keep in mind that many people will be alone or hungry on Thanksgiving.  Open up your lives and share your blessings with others.  Most of all remember to be thankful for what you have, instead of complaining about what you don't have.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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