He Knows My Name

Do you ever struggle with remembering someone's name?  I just replaced my very old phone with a new one for Christmas.  The old screen had shattered.  The phone locked up periodically, but I still hesitated getting a new phone, partly because of cost and partly because of having to learn how to use a new phone.  My old phone was familiar and comfortable.  My children have laughed as I try to comprehend how to use my camera or maneuver on my new phone.  I have great sympathy for my mother now.  Another issue that popped up was the fact that I did not import all of my old text messages.  This created the problem of not having names connected with my contacts.  I would look at old conversations through text to determine who that number might be.  This week I had to contact someone that I had not texted in quite some time.  I started texting and everything seemed fine.  However, I thought that some of the comments from the person I was texting seemed odd.  Much later, I realized I had been texting the wrong person.  I hope they never figured that out!  This makes me very grateful that God knows my name.  He doesn't mix up my prayers with someone else.  When I'm praying for God to provide something important like food, instead I end up with a puppy.   As we shop for gifts for family, even though our kids may ask for technology, we still know that they need underwear and socks.  It may not be what they want, but they need it for the future.  I may give them the technology because I love them and want to bless them.  However, I also may see that the phone they are asking for will be out of date in a few months, so I may not give them exactly what they wanted because it would not be the best for them. God is able to know what I need before I even request it, and He actually cares what happens to me.  Since He knows who I am so well, I can trust that whatever happens, God is going to work things out for the best.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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