Pursuing God Like Black Friday

If you've been on Facebook at all, you've seen the images of people camping out in aisles of stores, waiting in meandering lines, and performing mild, martial arts in order to gain a new smart television.  Let's face it.  We live in a society that values technology above all else.  Because of this, priorities have changed.  Part of that evolution is the Black Friday shopping traditions.  As I visited my family over Thanksgiving, we stood in a very long line for a few dollars off of our purchases.  It was cold and rainy, and people were willing to take out store credit just to escape the cold and enter the store for a few minutes before the dash for cash.  This got me thinking.  What if we pursued God like we pursue Black Friday bargains?  What would it look like?  
1. Black Friday- We wait for hours in lines for good deals.  Pursuing God- We would wait to be in God's presence. We wouldn't mind taking a little extra time to worship.  We would wait for God to show up in our lives and do His will.  There would be no rush to settle for less than His best in our lives.  
2. Black Friday- People stand in droves with arms outstretched to get the latest smart television they are passing around.  Pursuing God- We gather together to raise our hands for God to dispense His love, joy, peace, and power in our lives.  A little is not enough.  We want the most we can get from God.  
3. Black Friday- We are willing to rush into the stores the minute the doors open to make sure we do not miss out on the deals.  Pursuing God- We are willing to rush into God's presence.  There is no time to delay and maybe spend time with God tomorrow.  We need His presence today!  4. Black Friday- We scour the sales papers and online ads to find the best deals.  We don't want to miss a single deal.  Pursuing GodWe scour His Word to make sure that we know exactly what God wants for our lives and how we should live.  We don't want to miss out on anything God has for us, simply because we didn't prepare and get ourselves ready for Him.

So I ask this simple question.  Do you pursue God?  The best news is that God's presence doesn't go out of date, sell out before you're able to receive it, or break within days of gaining it.  His presence lasts not only for today, but for eternity.  His presence is available to anyone who asks and pursues, and His presence only increases the more you seek Him.  So for this Christmas, look for the best deal.  Look for Christ!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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