The Gift of Contentment

As Christmas quickly approaches, stress levels tend to rise.   You spend your time trying to find the perfect gifts for people who have everything they need.  You wait in long lines and attend one function after another in the spirit of Christmas.  But what exactly was the spirit of Christmas on the first Christmas?  I can't help but picture the scene.  Mary is very pregnant and probably very uncomfortable after making a long journey on the back of a donkey.  When I was very pregnant with my youngest son, I visited an exotic animal park with my family.  My five year old son desperately wanted to ride a camel, but needed someone to ride it with him.  My husband didn't meet the weight requirements, and my parents were too old.  Guess who was left?  I have a picture of Trenton grinning from ear to ear on the camel with me bouncing behind him.  Yes, camels bounce.  It was not the most comfortable moment of my pregnancy, but it did make for an awesome picture.  Mary had been on a donkey for a very long time.  She was desperate to get off her feet, and probably started feeling some mild labor pain.  By the time, they realized a room was not going to happen, she probably had a good indication that the baby was on the way.  We see stories on social media all the time about babies being born in odd places- the bathroom of a store, the back of a taxi, or a tree.  You heard me right.  A woman in Africa was escaping flood waters and climbed a tree, only to give birth a short time later.  None of these women dreamed of delivering their babies in unusual places.  It just happened.  I'm sure that Mary had no plans of giving birth in a stable, but she did.  As she labored, did she complain about the lack of amenities?  Maybe.  Did she grumble over the poor quality of the swaddling clothes or manger?  It doesn't say.  But the Bible does mention that after the shepherds had their encounter with the angel in the fields and heard the heavenly hosts singing, they found Jesus where the angel said He would be.  They began telling everyone what they had seen and heard.  They mentioned that the angel told them that a Savior was come, and they sang that peace had come to earth.  (Luke 2).  In verse 19, it mentions that Mary treasured all these things they said and pondered them.  Having a baby is painful.  I've had four, so I have some experience.  But after the birth is over, you forget about the environment, the pain, and the circumstances because you are caught up in the wonder of life being born.  Imagine hearing that the life you brought forth will save the world.  So did Mary complain?  No.  She thought about the amazing work God was going to do through her son in order to bring peace.  She experienced the contentment and peace that comes with a relationship with Jesus.  I desire that kind of contentment and peace.  Whether I clean toilets or entertain thousands I can experience contentment and peace knowing that I am doing what God wants.  So the most sought after gift this Christmas is not something you can buy, but instead something you simply receive.  The true spirit of Christmas is contentment, love, and peace.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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