Sock Tower

I have an important question to ask you.  Be truthful.  How many of you have a sock basket?  I always mean well.  I launder and fold loads and loads of laundry, but I never make it to the socks.  I throw them in the empty basket promising myself that I'll match them later.  However, later never comes.  My family begins to dig through the basket making it easier to use the basket than to match socks.  With the amount of feet in my house, you can imagine the state of my sock basket.  It soon became a sock tub (large plastic container for those not from the South).  Finding socks were like having to dig through a table of discounted clothes at the Old Navy 50% off sale.  Chaos.  I knew there was trouble when I saw one of my children wearing a Halloween sock with eye balls all over it and a sock sporting wiener dogs.  No one could find matches for their socks.  Where did they go?  I have no idea.  At a breaking point of desperation, I loaded the tub into my car and donated it to Goodwill.  I replaced everyone's old socks with new ones and swore that I wouldn't let this travesty happen again.  As you can see from the picture, my resolution fell flat.  I no longer have a sock tub.  I have a sock tower.  I did what everyone does.  I created these resolutions, hoping to actually accomplish my goals.  However, when struggle arose, I abandoned ship.  Have you made New Year's goals?  Want to get healthier, be more organized, or seek God more?  Don't give up on your goals when it gets hard.  It's like the sock fiasco.  We start out doing good, but soon get overwhelmed by the chaos.  We realize that our goals are not matching our current lives, so we abandon our goals.  So how do we reach goals that are hard?  The only way I am going to get through my sock basket is by sitting down and going through each sock, one at a time, and bringing order to my basket.  Sit down and evaluate what you are doing versus what you want to be doing.  Ask yourself, "What is the first step I need to do to get to my goal?"  Then do it.  1. If you want to get healthier, go for a walk or throw away the junk food in your house.  I bring the extra sweets that pile up during Christmas to my church and donate them to others.  2. If you want to get organized, start with one room.  Create boxes labeled: Get Rid Of Things, Trash, and Keep.  Move things you haven't used in the last year out of your house, and find a permanent place for things you want to keep.  That way, when you clean, you will immediately know where to put the object after you are done using it.  3. If you want to seek God more, designate a specific time each day to spend with God, either praying or reading His Word.  The morning works best because chaos hasn't started yet to distract you from your time with God.  Also, if don't start your day in prayer, you very well may find yourself having to end it asking God to repair your day.  It's better to know that your day is in God's hands. 

So I challenge myself this year to conquer my goals just like I'll conquer my sock tower, one at a time.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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