Super Bowl- Choose a Side (Are You Faithful?)

If you live in America, you are probably aware that today is Super Bowl Sunday.  Millions of people will gather together to eat massive quantities of junk food, scream at a team they've not watched all year, and critique commercials.  I am not a huge football person, but I love to watch the commercials.  When people ask which team I am cheering for, I have a system.  If it's a team close to where I live, I cheer for them.  If they both are from far away, I look for the team with a player who has a good story.  Peyton Manning was a favorite.  If I haven't heard any moving stories about players, I cheer for the team with my favorite color jersey or best mascot.  If that fails, I cheer for whomever the majority at the party I attend are cheering.  Once you hear my system, you quickly realize I'm not a faithful football fan.  What makes a faithful football fan? 1. A faithful football fan shows up no matter the weather.  A little rain and snow will not hold them back. 2. A faithful football fan continues to support their team even when others around complain and talk bad about their team.  They aren't moved by what others think. 3. A faithful football fan supports their team even when their team isn't perfect.  They recognize the issues their team has, but they don't jump ship just because their team has a rough season. 4. A faithful football fan doesn't support only because their jerseys look good; their arena is the most modern; the team has the best half-time show or music, or the best mascot.  5. A faithful football fan welcomes others.  They don't limit whom can cheer for their team.  The more, the merrier.  They even go out of their way to try to build a fan-base.  They gather together to celebrate their team.  
     Are you seeing where I'm going with this?  Are you a faithful fan of Christ?  Are you a faithful to the church in which God has placed you?  You can determine a faithful Christian by the same standards.  I challenge you.  Choose a side.  Choose to serve God even better than a faithful football fan.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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