A Second Chance at Families...Looking at the Positives During Quarantine

During a time when our country is uncertain, there are a few things in which we can remain rooted.  Before all of the social distancing, my family and I were very busy people.  Most will agree they also fall in this category.  As both parents, pastors, and teachers, we always had somewhere to be and something to do.  Our children's lives also reflected this chaotic routine.  As our country has entered quarantine, activities have halted and what is left is a family that really don't know each other well due to lack of time together.  During the first few days, I mentioned there were fights over ownership of food, space, and things.  As time went on and the outside world lost its hold, my semi-adult children began to reach out to each other.  My oldest son would go for runs with my youngest son.  My daughters made videos together and asked their brother to be a part.  I drove up to the photo above tonight.  I haven't seen my children playing games outside together in a long time.  We had a family game night that involved answering questions about each other.  We laughed and realized how little we knew of each other any more.  Because my oldest was sent home as his college closed, I was handed a blessing of my whole family being together for the first time in a year.  As we are inconvenienced by being forced to stay inside, let's look at the blessing.  When we look back on this time in twenty years, time with family is the only thing that will matter.  Take this time to heal relationships.  Soon enough, the world will divide families with its busyness and activities.  During this time, instead of fighting to get out and around others, fight for time with your family.  Stay in and get to know your family again. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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