On My Own...Living Out of Laundry Baskets

Why is it that for every load of laundry you complete, there is two more loads waiting in the bathroom, laundry room, or scattered around various places in the house?  My weekend always involves the catch-up on laundry for my family.  Sometimes I get lucky, and it is only four or five loads.  Sometimes my daughters clean their room, and suddenly, I find where every towel in our house has disappeared.  Of course, they have to use a clean towel every time they take a shower, so this equals to a significant amount of towels.  On these days, laundry becomes a multiple day affair.  On laundry day, the scavenger hunt begins.  I move from room to room looking for socks under the couches and chairs, shirts squished behind the cushions, and pants tossed around the house.  My favorite is when I find dirty clothes on top of clean clothes that never got put away from the last laundry day.  At this point, I have to do the sniff test.  Nothing seems worse than smelling the socks of a teenage boy who is known to wear dirty socks a time or two.  As my nostrils near the offending socks, I never know if I'll be pleasantly surprised by a stray clean sock that my son threw out of the sock basket, or if it is a putrid sock from weeks gone by.  Most of the time, it's the latter.  Because I've found so many stinky socks, I have trust issues when I near any stray socks.  This leads me to my rant.  I attempt to do the laundry all by myself, but after hours of cleaning, I  run out of steam.  This leaves me falling short when it comes to folding the laundry.  This means we either live out of clothes baskets of wrinkled, unfolded laundry, or we live off of the clothes folded and scattered across my couch because no one ever put the clothes away.  At this point, I melt down.  This is when my family hears a familiar lecture on the importance of our family working together.  Why should one person do all the work?  When I get no response, I become more animated quoting Bible scriptures from Proverbs about lazy ants.  I may even rant about this ant queen not being happy.  Eventually, my children arise from their slumber and gather clothes.  It never fails that they put my clothes right in the center of my bed, so that I have to put them away or not sleep.  This leads me to putting the clean clothes on top of my dresser.  Why do I do this?  I have no idea, but I don't think I'm the only one who lives out of laundry baskets.  What I have learned from laundry day is that I can't do everything alone.  I need help, or I burn out or have a ranting moment.  If we can figure this out through laundry, why can't we see this with God?  We can't live our lives on our own.  It becomes lonely and hard.  God never meant for us to try to hold everything together alone.  He created us to talk to Him.  We were meant to take our cares to God because He cares for us.  So before you have a ranting moment about life, have you asked God to help?

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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