Why Am I So Tired?

You are about to experience one of my greatest dumb blonde moments, so enjoy.  I noticed these last few weeks that I have been exhausted.  I would wake up really tired because of that stupid time change, and go to sleep just as tired.  About 9 to 10 months ago, I noticed that I had begun experiencing a lot of perimenopause symptoms like many women my age.  I had the night sweats, hot flashes, and (to my husband and children's terror) mood swings.  I could work out all day and only eat grass, and I still couldn't lose weight.  The real problem was the tiredness.  I just couldn't overcome the exhaustion.  I did research, visited my doctor, and talked to friends.  There were a million remedies, but nothing seemed to work for me.  While online, I found this product on Amazon that seemed to have some really good reviews.  Before you ask, I am not selling this stuff or getting a kickback.  This is just something cheap that worked for me.  I took this homeopathic estrogen blocker stuff, and all the symptoms disappeared within 2 weeks.  If I forgot to take the pill, my family knew almost immediately because I might burst into tears one moment and then spend 20 minutes in a frustrated rant about the way they folded socks.  After 9 to 10 months, I felt great.  I had lost most of the weight I had gained over the last year and kept it off without a huge diet.  I had energy and could handle problems with a clear and calm head.  About a week ago, I started to feel really tired.  I woke up a few times in a night sweat, felt achy, and extremely tired no matter how much sleep I got the night before.  I also noticed that I had put on a few pounds that shouldn't have been there.  I hadn't missed my hormone pills, so I began to wonder what could be wrong with me.  With the coronavirus scare, you can't help but have the thought pop into your head that maybe you are in the beginnings of it.  Then reason returned and I argued with my head that I had none of the symptoms.  Could I have something wrong with me?  Saturday, as I went to my cabinet to take my hormone pill, I pulled out the bottle and dropped the light colored pill into my hand- the same pill I had been taking all week.  After almost popping it into my mouth, I caught a glance of the bottle.  It said, "Sleep Aid."  I then dug out the box behind that bottle.  Inside the box was my hormone pills.  Because the bottles look so similar, I had been digging out the sleep aid pills every morning and taking them at noon.  Then in the afternoon, I would practically drool on my keyboard at my desk from exhaustion!  The only thing wrong with me is that I was taking a sleep aid that actually worked well.  So what is the lesson to be learned.  1) When the time change comes, everyone becomes a little loopy, so it pays to read the bottles better. 2) You can't live in fear.  If we are constantly looking for something to be wrong with us, we will probably find something.  3) Don't assume the worst.  Have some faith and hope.  

Our world is standing on the precipice of chaos and panic.  The empty toilet paper shelves prove this.  Instead of joining the crowd, looking for symptoms and closing ourselves off, let's use wisdom.  Not every cough carries a virus.  Don't give the cold shoulder to others just because they may cough.  If you do show symptoms, quarantine yourself for the safety of others.  Cover your coughs, wash your hands, and help humanity.  Call your shut down schools and find out if there are feeding programs set up for free/reduced lunch kids who are trapped at home.  If not, feed them!  Leave a roll of toilet paper on the doorsteps of some neighbors with a "do not fear" message.  Trust that the same God who got the Israelites through the plagues of Egypt, who provided for the widows in the Bible, and who sent His son to die for you will take care of you.  Do not fear!  

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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