A Long Hike to a Cave

I've noticed a side effect of being quarantined in my home with tasty goodness in the form of snacks and a closed gym.  Instead of the "freshman fifteen" (the weight college students put on in their first year), I have the quarantine ten.  I didn't even realize the problem because, let's face it, I have been living in yoga pants for over a month.  But as I tried to squeeze into a pair of summer shorts, I realized that I had one too many Hostess cupcakes.  In a push to get in better shape, I decided to join my husband and son on a trek down a local trail.  It wasn't going to be hard because I had just ran the trail in a 5K only 2 years before.  Ha ha.  I did not take into account the fact that they had just graded the path right before a big rain.  The path was a mix of mud and sporadic stretches of a kitty litter type of gravel.  My oldest 6'8" son is built like a giraffe, so I blinked and he was so far ahead that I could barely see him.  My husband also suffers from quarantine pounds, so he was a distance behind me.  I had determined that I could keep up with my son, so I pumped my arms and mushed my way through mud and kitty litter.  If you have ever walked through sand on a beach, kitty litter gravel feels the same.  By the time I was halfway down the trail, I realized that 2 years is a long time ago.  My thighs were burning from my kitty litter shuffle.  My legs were scattered with mud, but it was worth it.  I had almost caught up to my young giraffe.  Due to social distancing, he had to wait at the side of the path for other walkers to pass.  I took advantage and surged forward catching up to him.  He showed mercy and we walked very quickly the rest of the way to the cave.  I kept asking, "Is it much farther?"  To which he replied, "We're almost there."  I sounded like a toddler in the backseat asking their parents if we were there yet.  When I felt like I would pass out, we arrived at the cave.  As we entered, a bat flew out at us.  He was calm.  I was screaming and waving my arms!  So as I write about my little adventure, I think about when we go through hard times.  We are constantly bombarding God with "are we almost done?"  He is ever so patient telling us to keep going.  We are almost there.  If you are struggling, know that you are not walking alone.  Your Heavenly Father is with you encouraging you to not give up.  When you reach the end of  your journey it will be worth it.  Until then, trust in your companion to never leave you and to go through everything with you right by your side!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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