Coming Back to the Heart of Easter

As the world celebrates our risen Savior, I begin to think about what Easter really means.  There's a song from the nineties called, "Heart of Worship."  It mentions that as the music fades and all is stripped away and we simply come.  As quarantine changes the very way churches celebrate Easter this season, I can't help but be reminded of that song.  For so many years, we have gotten caught up in the outreach that we forget the purpose.  Now, as all the extras are stripped away, we are left with the heart of Christianity.  It centers around a Heavenly Father that loved each and every one of us so much that He couldn't bear the thought of an eternity separated from us.  Even though we fought against Him and accused Him of not caring, He displayed the most extravagant love possible by offering His son to stand in our place of punishment.  Imagine the Heavenly court room where each of us stand before our Maker.  In Hebrews, it is mentioned that all will be laid bare before God, and we will give an account.  Our Father opens the book and looks at the anger, depression, bitterness, unforgiveness, envy, and the list goes on.  However, as the gavel begins to descend to determine our eternal fate, our Defender steps in.  He calls out to His Father that none should perish.  And as He takes the chains and shackles on his body and is led away in our place, we stand before our judge in awe and unbelief.  He was innocent.  He had only come to help us; yet, in the end, He did more than help.  He stepped in and took our place.  Now, as our judge looks at the book, He only sees "Time Served- You are released."  My friend, Easter transcends bunnies, eggs, and candy.  Easter is about your guilt being taken in a selfless act of love that you could never earn.  Instead, it was freely given because Jesus loves you that much, and God wants to spend eternity with you.  As all is stripped away, let us focus on the core of Easter.  A cross for our punishment, a Christ who took our place if we ask Him to forgive us and obey Him, and freedom from the pain of this earth if we embrace Christ.

Have a blessed Easter high-heeled warriors!


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