In it for the Long Haul

Quarantine has had a big drawback for me.  I couldn't go to my gym, so I've become a little lazy in exercising.  My husband is trying to get fit, so he has been very good at walking.  He invited me to go for a walk with him on a beautiful trail by the White River near where we live.  I'm not sure why I accepted, but alas, I did.  Keep in mind that this is the same trail almost 2 years ago where I ran a 5K race.  That race was what started my whole blogging experience.  In 3 weeks, I went from a non-runner to winning second place in my age division, so when I took off on this trail 2 years later, I thought this would be no big deal.  What I failed to remember is that 2 months of not setting foot on a treadmill makes one rather slow and out of shape.  My husband and his friend started the trail chatting the whole way.  I wanted to start with a flourish, so I started speed-walking.  It wasn't that goofy arm-swinging speed-walk, but it was brisk.  As I picked up speed, I felt that running would be easy.  I kicked it up a notch and started a light run.  It felt pretty good, so I started a hard run.  I made it a few yards and began to feel the results of a lack of training.  I started to wear out quicker.  I couldn't focus on my goal of finishing.  I just wanted to quit.  I stuck with it and made sure to move quickly because the quicker I moved the quicker I would be done.  I actually walked/ran the 5K in a decent time, but I had to start changing my focus from the finish line to shorter distance.  I noticed the sewer drains sticking up from the ground.  They were spaced nicely, so I told myself I could run to that one, and then I walked to the next one.  I ran one and then walked one.  Before long, I could see the finish line.  In 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 Paul mentions that one runs a race to win a prize.  That one would put their body into strict training.  Without my training, I struggled to finish my race.  Are you struggling in your walk with God?  Do you find yourself wanting to give up and getting your eyes off the focus of God?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, do you train?  Do you spend time learning about the God who wants to help you?  When I read the Word telling me that I am loved by my Heavenly Father, it changes my thought pattern.  How can I feel alone when I have a God that cares about me and longs to hear my voice?  When I read about how that Heavenly Father provides for His children, it encourages me.  If God has provided for His children in the past, why would He not do the same for me?  As I train my brain to focus on His goodness, the negative no longer overwhelms me.  I begin to see His goodness in the world, and I begin to think about the prize of eternity with my Father if I don't give up.  So today, focus on the short distance of how much your Heavenly Father loves you right now.  Then move on to the next focus point of something good He has done in your life.  If you keep your focus on those things and continue to train, you will make the finish line!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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