Is My Life a Reality Show?

As you may see, I am dressed as Belle from a certain Disney movie. I know you are wondering why, right?  When my husband and I felt God leading us into ministry, we told God that we would do whatever He asked us to if it meant people could hear the Gospel.  Because it is Mother's Day, this made me reflect on ministry through my almost-adult children's eyes.  I've had my kids walk into the living room only to see me painting a life-sized baby giraffe for a mission's banquet.  They watched my husband preach a sermon on Thanksgiving for children's missions dressed as a turkey.  I have staged mini-soap operas, musicals, and fake reality shows for Christmas programs.  My children have watched my husband and I dress up as Superheroes, clowns, cowboys, soldiers in the army, and a slew of characters from the Bible for VBS.  There was even a point where my husband and I dressed in teased hair/mullets, and muck boots to retell the story of Samson and Delilah.  We've gathered them together to mow and cut grass at the church, visit the sick in the hospital, and sing in funerals.  We've delivered meals to shut-ins, bought groceries, and picked stranded people up in the middle of nowhere at 2 am in the morning.  No where do they mention the craziness that is the ministry, but for anyone who has entered into ministry, you know that you have to lay down your own desires and step out to help others.  I've heard many say that they don't help people around them, give, or pray because they are not called into the ministry.  I hope as a mother that I have been as successful as Moses' mother in instilling in my children who they are.  Even though Jochebed only had Moses for a few years, she was able to plant something in his life so strong that years in the King's court could not remove who he really was.  

As a mother, I want my children to know:  1. They are first and foremost God's child.  Because of that, they can talk to Him whenever they want, and He will hear them. 2. God has a purpose for everyone of His children.  His purpose may not be what we would have chosen, but it will be where His presence is and that is worth any inconvenience to your own plans.  3. When we trust God and follow His Word, we will reach out to the hurting, lost, and broken without needing to hear His call.  He already gave that call to everyone through His Word.  If we long to please God and cry out to have His love and heart, we won't be able to walk by the hurting without showing compassion as Christ did.  4. When we trust God to lead us and listen for His voice through His Word and Holy Spirit, we will be led on one of the greatest adventures of our lives! 5. Serving God isn't easy.  Sheep bite.  If you are doing something for God, there will always be people complaining about how you are doing it or trying to speak negatively in your life or behind your back.  Don't listen to the negativity.  If you are listening to God's voice and following the Word, and He has told you to do something, go for God's approval.  It's the only approval that matters.  If we really know the heart of God and turn to Him, He will guide us correctly. One day, we will all stand before God.  We will flinch as He reads back our negative and hurtful words toward others.  They may not have heard them, but God did.  He will lay open our hearts and what we really think.  I want my children to well-done thy good and faithful servant, not depart from me. I never knew you. So as I reflect back on ministry as a mother, I am so proud of my children.  Pastor's kids get up earlier than anyone else to make to the church to turn on lights, practice worship, clean the church.  They are the last ones to leave as their parents pray for people and reach out.  They give up so much and live in constant speculation as people expect perfection.  Have my children struggled?  Yes!  But so has every person who has ever walked this earth.  I am proud to be the parent of kids who will give up their shoes if they see someone without shoes.  They will buy a person food out of their paychecks because a card was declined.  They will help an elderly lady walk to their car and pray for a friend!  Do I live a reality show?  I'm not sure, but it would be the makings of a good show.  But even if I did, I have the best cast/kids for whom a mother could ask.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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