Leaving a Lasting Legacy

This weekend, my husband and I were able to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of some dear friends, the Zaragozas.  This couple knew each other for only two weeks before getting married.  In today's world, that would spell disaster.  Let's face if your child showed up with someone they met only two weeks before and said they were getting married, you would probably hide your child until the urge for spontaneous marriage passed.  This marriage, however, beat the odds.  If anything, it shattered the odds.  They are the parents of ten biological children and one adopted child.  This is also an enigma.  I can honestly say that most arguments my husband and I have are about how we raise our children.  I have four children, so they had a lot of opportunities for differences with ten children. However, this couple are not only as in love today as they were the day they were married, but also have left a legacy of Godliness, love, and prioritizing family in all of their children.  Because my husband practically grew up with them, they were major contributors to my husband's concept of family.  When my husband and I got engaged, he told me he wanted ten children just like the Zaragozas.  I told him to find another woman.  We may have compromised on the number of children, but not on creating an environment like the one modeled to us from the Zaragozas.  They gathered family regularly to do devotions, watch movies, and sing together.  They never missed a date night each week, even if it was just a coffee.  Kyle and I have continued that tradition with grocery store dates.  As we gathered to honor their commitment to each other, the legacy of putting God in the center continued as their children, grandchildren, and friends gathered together to do a devotion.  Has choosing to follow this legacy worked?  My husband and I will celebrate our 23rd anniversary in August.  We've watched our children love God, struggle but not give up, and reach others around them.  I think we chose wisely.


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