What Seems Impossible

This week, we celebrated a milestone.  It has been two years since Megan had a portion of her brain removed in brain surgery.  When we were presented with the option of brain surgery, it was a last resort.  We were praying for healing and trusting that God knew what was best for our daughter.  After praying, we felt brain surgery was the way God was directing her.  We had an amazing brain surgeon who gave her such amazing care.  He had only been at the hospital a few years, but we knew God had brought him there for Megan.  As Megan went through brain probes directly on her brain to map the seizure activity, she stayed strong and full of faith.  We even recorded a video of her singing, just in case she was unable to sing again.  As many know, she not only is able to sing, but sings every Sunday on the worship team.  God was faithful.  I was told that as we recorded the video, nurses were touched and were crying in the hallway.  Megan continued to witness to her nurses, doctors, and anyone who would listen about God's goodness and faithfulness.  During the mapping, she had a particularly big seizure that caused her to lose all control of her body.  For the first time, she saw everything happening to her.  This terrified her, but she still kept the faith.  After the surgery, her doctors mentioned how amazing her recovery has been.  We are now two years after her brain surgery, and she got her driver's license.  This was something we thought would be impossible.  With God, all things are possible!  If you are going through a hard time and are in an impossible situation, trust God.  The path He takes you on may not be what you would have chosen, but it will be the best path.  Stay faithful to God because He will not let you down!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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