You Can't Go Back

Have you ever noticed that everything seems to come back into style?  I took my daughter shopping at a trendy store and noticed that half of the stock was what I wore in high school.  It's funny that I'm not cool until my wardrobe fills the shelves.  However, there are some things that should never come back.  See if you agree with me.  
1) Perms- My mother convinced me that straight hair was too flat.  A perm was the way to go.  I can still remember the acrid smell of perm and the tug of rollers pulling my hair out of my scalp.  I looked like a poodle for days after a perm.  I haven't gotten one since I've moved out.  2) Teased hair- I would take a comb and tease my hair within an inch of its life- the higher, the better.  It would take a half a can of hair spray to achieve greater heights.  Notice my triangle hair in the picture?  That took a perm and a can of hair spray! 
3) Banana clips- If you lived during the early nineties, you had to see or own a banana clip.  For the younger generation, it was a set of combs that hooked together to create the look of a mohawk on the back of your head.  High fashion, people!  4) Mullets- Business in the front, party in the back!  The quarantine has brought back the mullet, whether people were going for that look or not.  5) Jelly shoes- I've seen them come back into style once already, but I would like to discuss them from experience.  Plastic shoes create sweaty, stinky feet!  Don't get me started on the way your little toe would always get stuck in one of the holes on the side of the shoe.  These styles remind me there are parts of my past I would never want to revisit or bring back.  There's a song by William McDowell called, "I Won't Go Back."  The lyrics mention, I won't go back to the way it used to be before You're Presence came and changed me.  Before God, I remember the insecurity, anxiety and fear, and depression.  I never want to go back to a life without God.  So as you are tempted to glamorize you past, remember there are parts that you never want back.  I don't need to clutch insecurity when God has accepted me.  I don't need anxiety and fear because God gives me a sound mind.  I don't need depression because God gives me joy in the midst of sadness and peace in the storm.  Don't go back to the way it used to be...

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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