23 Years and Counting...

Anyone who knows me knows that I love doing vintage photos! So as my 23rd anniversary rolled around, my first thought was directed toward a creative way to capture our lives together.  We've done caricatures and vintage photos for years, so I wanted something a little different.  When I came across an artist who imposes your face on famous works of art, I was sold.  Most might think, "Why would you give your husband such a weird gift for your anniversary?"  Believe it or not, but the reason I chose this gift was because I know my husband.  When God brought us both together, He brought together two very goofy people who love to express ourselves in silly ways. Because I have listened and communicated with my husband for so many years, I know what he likes.  I know that if I cook him anything with mushrooms, a lot of cheese, and onions,  he will love it. I know that if a restored hot rod car drives past us, he will notice it.  I know that he loves learning, so he will watch trivia shows with enthusiasm.  Never watch Jeopardy with either Kyle or his dad.  They will answer all the questions before you even process the question.  I know that he will work four jobs at the same time to support his family.  I know that he is an optimist.  I know that when my husband  does get discouraged, he will never let others know how he feels.  He doesn't want to bring anyone else down.  I know that as a pastor he cares deeply about his flock.  He will spend nights worrying about how they are doing if he doesn't hear from them or see them for a while.  I know that he would and has given his car, clothes, and food from his own pantry to those in need.  Even though all these things are true, I don't write this just to brag about what a great guy God has given me, although He has.  I write to encourage the next generation that in a world where marriages fall apart constantly, there is hope that a marriage can last until death due us part.  I wouldn't know all these things about my husband if I didn't pay attention.  If I didn't talk to him or spend time with him, I wouldn't know who he is.  I have heard so many people say that their marriage fell apart because they grew apart over time.  Growing apart is a choice.  Every day, I choose to be present in my marriage.  I choose to make sure we have a good conversation about our days, children, and hurts.  I love to call my husband just to see how he is doing during the day.  I love getting goofy calls and texts from my husband letting me know he was thinking about me.  Without good communication, a marriage will be two strangers living in the same house.  With good communication, you will know your spouse better than anyone else on this planet, other than God.  So I want to encourage you.  1. If you are in a relationship, take the time to know your significant other.  2. Really listen when they are talking.  And I don't mean listening while updating your profile or posting what you had for dinner.  They are more important than the likes of "friends" you will never see.  3. Don't bottle your feelings.  Because we had church this evening, we celebrated our anniversary yesterday.  This evening, we went on a family anniversary dinner with our kids- a drive-through at a fast food restaurant.  My husband suffers from drive-through anxiety.  I think his blood pressure goes up a few points when he needs to order at a drive-though.  When we pulled up, no one knew what they wanted, some couldn't see the menu, and the lady at the speaker was waiting.  We apologized for our lack of ability to order and drove around after we finally came up with an ordering plan.  Don't think it was as calm as I explaining.  There was emotion in the process,  I believe I even threw out the word "hangry" a few times (hungry + angry).  In the end, we all laughed and got over our problems.  If we were communicating through social media, our simple frustrations would have lasted several weeks.  Someone would have been unfriended, several would gang up on one of the others in a group chat, or sarcastic memes would be sent.  The best way to get past arguments in a marriage is to talk to the other person.  The quicker you let go of anger, the faster you connect with love.  4) Leave others out of your problems. My mother told me when I got married that she loved and supported me, but that if I have a problem with my husband I should take it to him.  It's the best marriage advice I've been given. 5) Be quick to forgive.  Yes, my husband has wronged me.  But for every time he has wronged me, I know there have been times I have wronged him.  If I want people to forgive me, I need to make sure that I am quick to forgive.  I know these little nuggets are things you've probably heard a million times, but they work.  If you don't believe me, ask my parents who have been married over 50 years.  So to my wonderful husband, thank you for a crazy, but amazing 23 years of love, companionship, and ministry together.  I look forward to many more!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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