Along Came a Spider

In the year of murder hornets and cannibal ants, our world holds its breath waiting for the next pestilence to be unleashed.  What will it be?  Bomber beetles that explode when in contact with the sun?  Or maybe, multiplying mosquitoes that double in population daily?  Whatever is thrown at us, my husband and I have a simple household rule.  He kills the spiders and roaches, and I kill all flying, stinging bugs.  When I come into contact with a roach, I become a squealing, prissy girl.  Especially when they fly into my hair.  It has happened.  It wasn't pretty.  I think it's the unpredictability that scares me.  It's the same with spiders.  I never know when I will encounter one that can jump at me randomly.  But mostly it's because I can remember being bitten by a brown recluse spider in Jr. High.  The bite should have rotted, but after having my church pray for me, it healed.  This still hasn't stopped me from being leary of spiders.  My husband has never been stung by a bee, so he is not sure if he will have an allergic reaction like his mother.  This unknown makes him slam on the brakes when he is trapped in the car with a bee.  Our experiences affect our reactions.  This is the beauty of maintaining positive relationships with Godly people.  Just as my husband and I encourage and help each other in our weaknesses, our brothers and sisters in Christ are there to encourage us when we are down.  When we feel we can't defend ourselves against the enemy, our brothers and sisters in Christ can pray for us and kill the spiritual "spiders" in our lives.  So no matter what is to come in our uncertain world, I know that with God and Godly friends, I can handle it.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!



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