My Daughter, an 8-Point Buck, and My Car...Things that Shouldn't Go Together

I couldn't make this story up. True story. My daughter got her first 8-Point buck this year with our car! It was Wednesday night, and we had just finished the Wednesday night service at church. I usually get to church before everyone else in order to prepare to-go meals we feed to local kids in our town. My husband followed in order to prepare for his service, and my daughter picked up some local teens for our teen service at church. My daughter left church first to take all of the teens home, and I cleaned up and shut down the church. Have you ever seen an ambulance or emergency vehicle and thought, "I hope that is not for my child."? As I watched an ambulance go by, the thought entered my mind. Shortly after having that thought, I got a call from my daughter telling me she had hit a deer and was parked at the post office. I immediately pulled into a parking lot and motioned for my husband to pull in after me. He pulle...