3 Things I've Learned From Building Stone Walls


In case you are wondering, no, I am not building a stone wall.  My husband is.  He won't let me near this project of his because I have a habit of getting in a hurry and just throwing things up haphazardly.  I've been known to paint flies onto a wall if they get in my way.  My husband is much more patient when laying stone.  He says it's like life-sized Tetris.  Until he started this project of putting up stone on our back porch, I never realized the strategy involved in putting up stone.  One stone lays on top of the other, but in order to look as it should, each stone has to be placed strategically in position.  The gaps cannot line up in the same place, or it looks wrong.  The stones need to be different sizes and colors in order to look natural.  The stone needs  a strong, well-set foundation of stone on the bottom so that it doesn't slide and fall away from the wall.  Doesn't this reflect the church? 

 1 Peter 2:5NIV: "you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

As a church, we are the stones strategically placed by God to create His house.  What can we learn from building the house.  1) We need Jesus as our strong foundation.  When He no longer remains the foundation, we slide and fall away from Him.  He doesn't become as important.  Our decisions no longer have Him as the center.  We stop gathering with others.  This leaves gaps in the spiritual House of God.  You are needed!  He needs to remain your foundation.

2) The House of God must be made of all sizes and colors.  The young and the old are meant to be together- a blending of wisdom and zeal in balance.  God's house should have a mix of talents and gifts.  I am not a decorator. So when I decorate, it looks sad in comparison to my friends who have that gifting.  When you are not there, there is a gap in the giftings God has given you.  The church doesn't get cleaned because there are not people who have gifts of service.  Prayers are not prayed because gifts of prayer are absent.  You are needed!

3) We need to be placed where God has called us.  God places us strategically where we can build His church.  Instead of having a subscription to church that we can cancel or transfer when it's no longer interesting or entertaining, let's be placed according to His will.  This brings commitment in the good and hard times.  Because of the Corona virus, many churches have reported attendance only being at 40% of what it was before the virus.  God has placed you in good times and hard times.  Your church needs your commitment.

Without you, there is a gap in the wall of the House of God.  The wall will stand without you, but it is stronger with you.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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