A Bad Case of "Macne"


The world is facing a new affliction that is completely unique to our current situation- Macne.  Macne is a real thing.  It is when a normal adult begins to exhibit acne worse that a pubescent teenager due to the wearing of masks.  Whether it is the constant wear, constant rubbing and clogging of skin pores, or just reusing dirty masks, it has become a real problem.  Who wants to jump right back into their teenage years?  Any takers?  Not me!  The CDC has even been very wishy-washy in their stance on the proper mask.  At one time, everyone should wear a cloth mask.  Now, they are saying the virus is so small that a cloth mask's pores will not stop the spread, so we should use the medical masks.  At least there is one good point to wearing masks.  Everyone is already costumed for all of the Fall Harvest parties.  We can just extend our costumes onto our masks.  I was once in a Goodwill when I saw a man in a full Darth Vader costume (helmet and all).  He stood in front of the electric doors and waved his hand causing the doors to slide open.  He totally used the Force.  It was the funniest thing I have ever seen, but I have seen some interesting masks lately.  There are the people that use a mask to express their individuality or to reflect whatever is popular- llamas, sparkles, etc.  Then there are the people that follow the practical medical throw-away masks because it is easier.  Then there are the rebels who use a neck gaiter which technically is wearing a mask, but not because of how thin they are.  What mask represents you?  Would you fall into one of these categories?  Don't we all mask ourselves emotionally to present a certain persona to people?  We may present what is popular or what the world values- money, fame, a perfect house or job.  We may mask ourselves to reflect what we want to be but feel is lacking in our lives.  Have you ever had anyone ask you how you were and you responded with a lie?  You know the lie, "I'm fine."  Inside, however, you were hurting, broken, feeling hopeless even though your mask showed you smiling and carefree.  You may mask yourself with whatever is practical.  Would it be practical to be a Christian at work?  What would others think?  So you mask yourself with whichever character fits the situation in which you currently reside.  It is just easier.  Holy on Sunday, not so much the rest of the time.  Then there is the person who has no mask.  What you see is what you get.  Here's the funny part.  When my children dressed up for costume parties, I could always tell which ones were mine.  Why?  Because I knew them.  God knows you.  Our masks do not deceive God.  So why do we hide who we are?  God asks us to remove the emotional masks and be honest with Him.  He won't turn His back on us because He already knows us in our spiritual imperfections yet still calls us to come to Him.  I challenge you to throw off the masks and costumes and be genuine.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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