Not Afraid to "Dye"


You may be shocked to hear this, but I color my hair.  Okay, maybe you aren't shocked at all.  At one point, many, many, many years ago, I was originally a strawberry blonde.  Now would be where you insert the dumb, blonde joke. (Why did the blonde have so much trouble reading the computer screen?  She couldn't see past the White-Out.)  As I've aged, I've had to color my hair to cover the gray hair my children have so graciously helped me achieve.  If I grayed a beautiful silver, then I would proudly accept going gray.  Unfortunately, I gray a dingy yellow, so coloring is my best option.  So tell me if this has ever happened to you.  You color your hair, then notice the dark roots have returned a couple of months later.  When you go to color it again, you can't remember what color to buy.  I've found myself standing in the hair color aisle wondering if I was an ash blonde, cool blonde, frosty blonde, or dark blonde.  I finally feel like a dumb blonde for not saving the box top.  I never know what kind of blonde I will be.  Then there is the Carrot Top dilemma, when you end up more orange than blonde.  You find yourself washing your hair twenty times that night in the hopes that you will less resemble a clown in time for work the next day.  I had my husband help me highlight my hair once.  I had achieved a beautiful base color and was ready for highlights.  This had to be the only time in history that a guy read the directions.  My husband measured to the inch every single strand and spaced them very evenly.  I ended up with dark roots and looking exactly like I had before I colored my hair!  My husband paid someone to highlight his hair, only to come out with an expensive checkerboard design on his head.  I could have played chess on his head!  So what's my point?  Have you ever been so afraid of change that you find yourself never taking risks?  I once heard a quote by Vance Havner that says, "Many people are in a rut and a rut is nothing but a grave- with both ends kicked out."  I hate change.  That's why coloring my hair is so risky for me.  But something as temporary as a hair color is an easy risk.  Give it a few weeks and the color fades.  But what about big changes?  Writing this blog was a big change for me.  Putting myself out there for the public was a big risk.  It took God speaking to me for close to a year in order for me to comply.  What has God been asking you to do?  What is that risk that you have been too afraid to take?  The good thing about following God is that He already knows where the path is going to lead.  He goes with us and supports us along the way.  So I encourage you this week.  Obey God.  Take a risk for God.  The results will be breathtaking!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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