Presidential Panic


How many of you are tired of the political posts flooding social media?  Because it is an election year, chaos and division seems to override our country's self-control.  I hear comments about how our country cannot continue under the current administration for another four years.  Then I hear responses arguing that a change in leadership will lead to our country's doom.  Some have even gone so far as to praise the fact that our President is sick.  I normally stay away from politics, but I feel like I need to address this.  So here goes... please put on your steel-toed boots because I may step on a few toes. What does the Bible say about who should be our president?  Believe it or not, it actually addresses this.  If we go back to 1 Samuel in the Bible, Israel was being led by God through a prophet who would Israel directions about what to do.  Israel would fall away from God.  God would allow them to go into captivity, and then raise up a prophet to speak to his people.  The prophet would tell them to repent.  They would, and God would free them.  This was a cycle throughout the Old Testament.  At one point, Israel decided they wanted a king like all the other nations.  Samuel, the current prophet, was angry with Israel because he knew God wanted to be Israel's king.  He discouraged them, but still they cried out for man to lead them.  God gave in, and Saul was chosen. 

 1 Samuel 8:7  And the Lord told him:"Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. "NIV

1) God wants to be our leader.  Ultimately, our faith in Christ has to take precedence over our citizenship.  If God is my King, then I follow His Word first and foremost.  It means I treat others as I would want to be treated.  That would put an end to negative posts!  Unfortunately, Saul as king, stopped listening to God and following God's direction.  So while Saul was still on the throne, God told Samuel to anoint David as the new king.  David was still a teenager working in the fields as a shepherd.  God doesn't look at the outside, but at the heart.  He knows the heart of everyone!  Years before David took the throne, God knew it would happen.  This brings me to my next point.

2) God is going to put the person He wants on the throne.  Does that mean there is no point in voting?  Absolutely not!  As a Christian, we are still called to uphold His Word by voting for the person who will follow God's direction and lead our country to God.  What is God's direction?  If you read your Bible, it tells you clearly what is right and wrong.  But, ultimately, God will place who He needs on the throne.  So what is our job?  Our job is to pray for our leadership to continue to follow God's direction.  Do we curse our leadership with gossip, contention, and negativity?  No!  We join together to pray God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  We should be praying for our President to be healed!  If your candidate doesn't win this election year, just remember that God puts kings and queens on their thrones. Daniel 2:21 He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. Pray for whoever God has placed on the throne because He has a reason for them to be there!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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