Dog Pajamas


Yes, I am that person.  You know the one- that person who dresses their dog in cutesy clothes.  Since my daughters are seniors this year, I am trying to spend as much time with them as I can. We spent the day shopping.  In one particular store, we happened upon Christmas pajamas in my very large dog's size.  As I squeezed his little doggy legs into his pajamas, I swear he smiled.  If you don't believe me, look at the picture.  My dog loves to wear clothes!  I think it's because he gets cold a lot, but for whatever reasons, he loves it when I dress him. For this reason, I dress him in sweaters, costumes, bunny ears, and pajamas.  He looks adorable!  My son, however, questions what I am doing to his big, tough, manly dog.  This got me thinking.  I can dress my dog in a bunny suit, but it doesn't make him a bunny.  I can dress him in pajamas, but it doesn't make him a human.  I can dress myself like a Christian.  I can attend church or web-church.  I can sound like a Christian and say the right stuff.  I can look exactly like what people think a Christian would.  That doesn't make me a Christian.  What makes me a Christian?  Here it is...are you ready?  Do you have a relationship with Jesus?  What does it take to have a relationship with someone?  1) You spend time with them.  Do you spend time with God?  Do you find Him in prayer, not just asking for stuff, but also telling Him how much you love Him regardless of what He does?  Do you find Him in His Word- the Bible?  That is where He talks to us.  It is God-inspired.  2) Do you love Him above everything else?  What does this mean?  Even though you love social media or other things, you love Him more.  So if He tells you to give up the things you love to focus more on Him, you would.  3) You find yourself falling more in love with Him every day, instead of falling away.  If you feel distant from God, it is not Him pulling away from you.  It's the other way around.  God said He would never leave us or forsake us.  If you feel like He's left you, you have walked away.  So I ask you, do you have a relationship with God?  If not, shed the Christian costume and give your heart to fully to Christ.  He's waiting and longing to know the real you.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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