Skipping Thanksgiving

Have you noticed that the world around us has jumped straight to Christmas?  Now, don't get me wrong.  I love the decorations, the joy, the concept of putting others above yourself, and most of all, celebrating the birth of Christ.  I'm also aware that with COVID spreading rampantly in our communities, we are having to change the way we do everything (although someone may need to tell that to the hordes of people packing the aisles of Walmart).  I recognize that going door to door collecting edible sweets is not the best way to stop the spread.  In a side note, I've never been a huge fan of Halloween anyway.  But we have a unique opportunity this year.  Normally, Black Friday shopping has interfered with Thanksgiving enough that it has been the focus of the holiday.  Being grateful for our freedom, family, and privilege was eclipsed by squeezing into stores, waiting for hours in line, and shoving your fellow man out of the way to get the latest gadget at discounted prices.  But alas, that has been removed from our lives.  In order to keep social distancing and safety, the Black Friday deals have been moved online or so early that it no longer influences our ability to slow down and contemplate the blessings we have been given.  If you have a checking account, own one car, or even have a safe place to sleep with clean water, you are more blessed than 80% of the world.  When was the last time you thanked God for having clean drinking water?  So as Christmas items fill the shelves and lights being to twinkle, don't forget to take time to evaluate how lucky we are.  We have the opportunity to think beyond ourselves and express our gratitude to our Maker that we are alive and free.  Instead of skipping Thanksgiving, let's take extra time this year to be thankful!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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