When I Grow Up...(Something to Remember Before You Post)


As a teacher who works with young children, I ask this question often, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  I get a lot of different answers.  There is the typical, "I want to be the President, a famous singer on the Voice, an actor, or a pro-ball player."  Then there are the unrealistic answers, "I want to be Batman, a cat, or a meme."  I had a very sad conversation with a young boy who wanted to go to prison when he grew up.  When asked why, he responded that when he visited his dad there, they played games and watched television, so that's where he wanted to be.  It's amazing how environment effects the pursuits of young children.  I have a wonderful set of parents who have loved me unconditionally.  They encouraged my dreams, no matter how crazy they were.  I remember writing in my School Memory book as a Kindergarten student that I wanted to be a writer, singer, teacher, and minister.  That's a lot of occupations.  Instead of discouraging me or telling me to narrow it down, they supported me.  I am now a writer, teacher, a worship leader/singer at church, and a minister as a pastor's wife.  The influences of those around me directed my path.  The influences of those around that little boy directed his path in a negative way.  As the craziness continues in our world, remember that little eyes are watching us.  Our comments on social media, actions, and living of our daily lives are directing the paths of young lives that we don't even realize are watching us.  Let's direct them to fulfilling their God-given dreams and keeping God in the center of their lives!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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