Going to the Chapel


My husband performed a wedding for a close friend's daughter this weekend.  It went much better than when he performed the funeral where he fell in the freshly-dug grave!  We arrived really early in order to make sure the order of the wedding was set and there were no unexpected issues that would arise.  To say no unexpected issues is almost a ridiculous statement.  Anyone who has ever been through a wedding knows that something always pops up.  At a friend's wedding years ago, we were sent on a task to find white roses for boutonnieres because the wedding party wasn't aware they needed them.  As my husband and I scoured every supermarket we could find, the clock was ticking.  I threw together a bunch of boutonnieres (with the windows down in the summer because we were broke and had a car with no air conditioning) as we rushed to get there on time.  Side note: we also had the ring bearer in the car with us.  We had to get there on time.  We rushed in only to find out the bride was late, the wedding singer was sick, and the piano player was sick.  We found a guy who could play trumpet who played the wedding march while clearing his spit valve mid-march.  It was one of the most memorable weddings I've attended.  At my wedding, I stayed up until midnight decorating a church.  There were squabbles but in the end, we were married.  At the wedding we attended this weekend, the person hired to make the wedding cake got COVID.  Because of quarantine, she was unable to make it to the venue to put the cake together.  They were lucky enough to find a back-up, but the mother of the bride was given the task to assemble the massive cake.  When Kyle and I arrived, I was beckoned to the cake table and asked to help.  As I piped icing and placed edible pearls around the cake, I thought about the obstacles a bride and groom face.  Things go wrong, but in the end, the main thing they remember is that they are married.  They made it to their destination- marriage!  Everything else is just a funny part of the story.  What if we incorporated that into our daily lives?  Things are going to go wrong.  Bad things will happen.  We need to remember our destination- marriage!  In the Bible in Revelations, it mentions that Jesus will return for His bride.  That's us, folks!  One day, we will be united with Jesus and all that we have gone through on earth will be nothing compared to being with Him.  Isn't that the most important part?  

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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