The Lone Caroler


Tis the season to go caroling!  My daughters and I have helped at our local community Christmas event since last year.  We would sing Christmas carols to brighten the day and help put people in the holiday spirit.  Unfortunately, with COVID, we were unsure how that would change the big event.  We received a call from the mayor asking us to sing once again.  This time, however, we would sing as a small caroling group that would move among the people socially distanced to see Santa, roast marshmallows over fire pits, and eat Christmas cookies and hot cocoa.  I agreed and was excited to be a part of a lovely event each year.  What I did not know was that my daughters had other engagements planned.  This left me as the long caroler!  I'm not sure if you realized  the significance of this occurrence.  Two or three people makes a caroling group.  One person equals the crazy lady walking around in the store singing to herself!  I could just picture it.  Me, walking slowly among the socially distanced crowds, singing Silent Night at the top of my lungs as cell phones recorded the Christmas loon serenading the masses!  I begged and pleaded with everyone I could think to ask.  I finally told my husband that if no one else offered, he would have to sing to which I got the reply, "Gee, thanks! I'm the bottom of the barrel."  Finally, a couple in the church said they would love to help me out of my predicament.  My oldest, freshly back from college, was persuaded (begged) to join our merry group.  We wandered the park singing at the top of our lungs.  By the time we had sung for the third set, we had started to sound pretty good!  My point, you may think that you can survive the holidays as a loner, but eventually, you need people.  We were made to support and help each other.  It's what keeps us sane.  Don't isolate and shut yourself away from others entirely.  If you must socially distance, call people on the phone, pull up by their car and have a drive-through conversation.  Police officers do it with each other all the time!  Part of the beauty of Christmas is remembering that Jesus has brought a vast array of people together to create a family.  Spend some time with that family.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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