To Binge or Not to Binge

Have you ever gotten hooked on a television series and find yourself coming back to reality 4 seasons and two day later?  I love the t-shirt that says, "I'm tired because I have a good book and a lack of respect for tomorrow."  My family knows that I will stay up until early morning reading a good book, but this also extends to a really interesting television series.  This weekend, I became hooked on a television series that has been out forever- Downton Abbey Yes, I am one of the few that never watched it when it was so popular.  Maybe it was because I was really busy or just because I didn't get past the first episode, but for whatever reason, I watched episode two and was a goner.  Don't get me wrong.  I wasn't wasting the day away.  I was actually working on important work, but needed something to watch while I worked.  The next thing I knew, I was into Season Two and engrossed in the drama of poor versus wealthy.  I could smell dinner cooking, yet I didn't move.  My husband was kind enough to cook dinner and send it up to my room.  I watched my daughter go to work and saw her return only to find me in the same location as when she left.  My dog loyally sat beside me guarding me from movement.  Six hours later, I had finished my work and emerged from my room stiff and walking like a zombie.  Every time you get drawn into a movie series or book that you can't put down, you ask yourself hours later, why?  I think the need to know what happens next overpowers your sensibility.  Time no longer matters as you plug into the Matrix of needing to have resolution.  What if we plugged into a relationship with God with that kind of commitment?  If you haven't noticed, our world has become a chaotic ball of the unknown.  Everyone is asking, "What will happen next?"  We have the answer.  If you read the Bible, it tells you that in this world you will have tribulation (trouble), but be of good cheer because Jesus has overcome the world. (John 16:33)  I'm not sure about you, but this whole year seemed to involve one trouble after another.  Unrest has crawled across our nation as people have isolated themselves in fear and depression.  But what if we read the Bible like it was the latest mini-saga from Netflix?  What if we couldn't wait to read God's word like we can't wait to see Mario Lopez as Colonel Sanders in the Lifetime mini-movie?  What if God got the same kind of promotion that KFC has gotten over a recipe for chicken?  As the world continues to limp by, I want to plug into something that matters.  I want to become engrossed in something that will give me peace when unrest reigns.  I want something that will give me joy when the news only has negativity.  I want something that will give me the feeling of love and acceptance when the world breeds hatred and bitterness.  I can find all of that if I binge on something that will change me- God's word.  I challenge you to binge on God.  It will be the best investment of your time!
Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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