You may not have world peace around you, but trusting God can give you a world of peace within you. |
Every year, I feel it's my duty to buy a bag of Christmas candy. One of my favorites is Dove chocolate. In case you've never experienced Dove chocolate, when you open the wrapper, a little nugget of wisdom is printed on the wrapper. It's kind of like a grown-up version of Bazooka bubble gum or Laffy Taffy, minus the joke.
I felt that I owed it to the public to eat through a whole bag of chocolate so that I could impart the wisdom of the chocolate makers. First, I opened the one milk chocolate that I had. It read, "
Keep life moving forward, looking backward is only for time travelers. Rachel O. Washington." It started out profound; however,
I've found that the writers for the dark chocolate are much less profound than milk chocolate. The dark chocolate wrappers stated, "Spread love this season." Generic, but still a good message. "Joy is contagious." I felt is was a little distasteful to talk about contagious things currently, but I digress. "Deck the halls with love and laughter." Laughter is like a medicine. "Make a snow angel."
Since there is no snow, I feel I'll need to get creative to do that. From this point, it was all down-hill. "Share something sweet this season. Give the gift of chocolate. Chocolate brings joy. Find comfort and joy in chocolate." Now, all we're doing is advertising for you to buy more chocolate.
I think there should be more realistic advice. So here's the sage words of wisdom that I think should be behind a candy wrapper.
If you eat this whole bag of chocolate, can you live with the shame and stomachache?
When you eat your feelings, you don't feel better, just fatter.
Never pray for a snow day, it's guaranteed not to snow.
Why is it your kids only remember they need special clothes washed, something for a bake sale, or a complicated project the night before it's due?
Always keep a bottle of Dawn dish liquid. Anything that can remove stains, de-flea a dog, degrease a pot, and clean a baby duck is magic.
If you spend the whole time worrying about tomorrow, you're not paying attention to the blessings of today.
You may not have world peace around you, but trusting God can give you a world of peace within you.
It doesn't take a genius to know that our world is full of strife. You can either get caught up in the strife, or you can let go of it and give the struggle to the Creator of our universe. This week, I challenge you to look around and find the good in our world. Pay attention to the blessings that God has given you: the ability to breath, shelter, His unconditional love, and hope. When the media throws out the negativity, begin thanking God for those blessings. It will change the whole way you perceive this world. That's my word of advice.
Have a great week high-heeled warriors!
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