Pocket-Dialing 911

Have you ever pocket dialed 911 emergency services by accident?
  Early this week, as I was getting into my car, I heard my Bluetooth suddenly kick on with a person asking for the address of my emergency.  My first response was speechlessness.  I hadn't called anyone.  When I looked at my car's screen, I realized that I had somehow called 911.  I mumbled something about my car calling her, and maybe it was a pocket dial.  She was very nice and mentioned it happened all the time.  Now, I was really curious because I had a 60 second lock on my cell phone, so it shouldn't have called anyone.  To remove the lock, I either need to enter a 4 digit code or a fingerprint.  I had done neither.  I blew it off as a freak thing until this morning.  As I got into my car to drive to church, I noticed my car's screen notifying me that the 911 assistance was not working.  What?!!! That's when I realized that my car was trying to call 911 for me.  I'm not sure when my car turned into a Transformer, but it must have happened sometime last week.  After frantically trying to figure out how to disable this 911 assistance provided by my car, I was stumped.  If anyone knows how to, please let me know.  It reminds me of when I was teaching a Head Start class in the Kindergarten building of a local school.  I was showing the children how to dial 911 on a phone.  The knowledge could save a life, so I thought I was being an amazing teacher, until I got a call from 911 notifying me that I had called them.  I swore I had not, then I noticed the phone was a land-line that will automatically dial if you enter the numbers.  When the police showed up at my room door, I felt about 2 inches tall.  Try explaining to the police that you are saving future lives by teaching children how to dial 911.  They told me to practice on a disabled phone.  Hmmm.  Why hadn't I thought of that?  They were nice enough to hang around and talk to my children about safety, so lemonade was made from lemons.  Have you ever thought how much we rely on 911?  We may not need them often, but when we do, we have enough faith to know that when we dial that number someone will help us.  How can we have enough faith to believe in a faceless emergency system, but not in God?  We often struggle to talk to Him or need Him every day, but when we are in an emergency, He is there.  And the best part is that He doesn't mind an accidental call.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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