The Good Old Days- See How Many You Can Relate To...


As another year has passed, so has another birthday for me.  I've found the older I get, the less I keep track of how old I've become.  Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for my children who like to remind me just how old I am.  In honor of another year gone, I thought I would post a remember when list.  Let me know how many of these things you remember.

1) Using a key to open a can of Spam.

2)Jelly shoes- After wearing them all day, you could take them off and see the design etched on your feet from sweat and dirt.

3) The dentist drawer filled with cheap plastic rings, stickers, and candy.

4) Putting a flash bar on the old 110 cameras

5) Rolling down a car window.

6) Standing outside your living room window turning the antennae until you could get a better picture on your television.

7) Metal slides and the sensation of burning your skin as you slid down it in July.

8) Going to the video store and choosing VHS movies for the weekend.

9) Reading the back of cereal boxes in the morning.

10) Eating Luden's cough drops when you weren't sick.

11) The square pizza from the school cafeteria.

12) Getting glasses of milk at school from a dispenser.

13) Watching Captain Kangaroo in the early morning hours.

14) Sleeping in foam rollers.  Getting a perm.

15) Using roll-on deodorant

16) Getting up early to watch Saturday morning cartoons.

17) Pulling the telephone cord from the kitchen into a closet or other room for privacy.

18) Wrapping a phone cord around your finger while you talked.

19) Licking the spoon after eating cake batter or cookie dough and not worrying about Salmonella

20) No seat belts, fighting for the middle seat in front to change the radio stations, and laying in the floor board of a car while it is driving.

21) Pull tabs on soda cans.

22) Winding a cassette tape using a pencil.

23) Using a photo viewer- pushing to change the picture.

24) Rotary phones and party lines.

25) Expressing all of your hormonal feelings with a good mixed tape.

Any of these bring back memories?  After going down memory lane, I've come to a conclusion.  Time really does fly by fast.  Enjoy and make the most of the moments you have because before you know it, they will be a thing of the past.  I don't know about you, but I could really appreciate a Banquet frozen banana pie right about now.  Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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