Graves Into Gardens


We attempted to play the song, Graves Into Gardens, today at church.  You need to understand that as a piano player, the key in which this song is written is really hard to play.  After four weeks of practicing, ranting, and sweating, I finally decided to bite the bullet and just do it whether it sounded great or not.  As I was playing the song, I started thinking about God turning graves into gardens.  Death into life.  Then I thought about a certain garden, Gethsemane.  As Jesus was in this garden praying, he was battling His will with God's.  He asked if there was any other way for the world to be saved.  But He eventually came to a point of peace by saying, "Not my will but thine be done."  Jesus buried His will and accepted God's will. The garden became a grave.  Jesus was crucified on the cross so that our sins and wrongs could be made right.  So that we would one day have the right to enter into the presence of God.  It seemed there was no longer a garden, but only a grave.  Then three days later, God rose Jesus from the grave.  The grave was turned into a garden!  Life came from the midst of death.  You may have a situation in your life that seems dead, but God can bring life to a dead situation!  However, it begins with us allowing God's will to come alive while we lay our plans and will into the grave.  John 3:30 NIV "He must become greater; I must become less."  Visit the garden in prayer, lay your desires in the grave, and let God turn that grave into an even more beautiful garden than it ever was before!


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