Making All Things New

 First, I need to say that I am not a crafty person.  I appreciate the skills and abilities crafters possess, but it doesn't come easy for me.  This leads me to talk about my project. 

I have the most uncomfortable living room chairs, according to my husband.  They were somewhat comfortable when I first bought them, but through the years, the springs have popped and the "leather" has begun to flake off on the unfortunate people who sit on them.  My answer to this was to buy furniture covers off of Amazon.  They looked great on the website, but looked like my chairs were swaddled in a big snuggy in reality.  Because of this, I felt inspiration when I discovered this glider rocker in Goodwill.  It sat great and only needed a simple cushion recover.  "Piece of cake.  No problem."  I thought.  Keep in mind that I am not an excellent seamstress.  I don't have the patience needed to be meticulous when sewing.  I just whip it together and hope it looks okay.  I sewed a dress for my mother for Christmas once.  She has sewn for over 40 years.  Let's forget that it looked like something off of Little House on the Prairie, and think about the process.  The pattern said easy, and it would have been if I had sewn for over 40 years.  I ended up throwing the pattern across the room and just sewed from the heart.  My mom mentioned it fit perfect after she tore a few places apart and resewed them correctly.  So these skills attempted to sew chair covers for my new glider.  I placed the cushions on a pretty sheet and attempted to cut out the fabric.  My scissors would only hack at the fabric due to dullness.  I grabbed another pair- dull.  This went on through six pairs of scissors.  At this point, I ranted about why people would use my fabric scissors for popsicles.  There was sticky substance all over some of the scissors.  I finally hacked out a semblance of a cushion and started sewing.  Once I had stuffed the cushion and sewed it shut, I noticed that it was crooked.  There was a huge hump at the top.  Not just a little hump, but like Hunchback of Notre Dame hump.  Awww!  I melted down, ranted some more, whined about my lack of skill, and finally sat down and hand-sewed the hump down into order.  Eventually, I repaired the hump, and it was passable as the picture shows.  It made me think about how God is able to make a mess something beautiful.  We may see a broken, crooked mess, but God sees what you can be. When we submit to Him and let Him, He will gently take apart the broken and put it back together to create beauty that reflects Him.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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