Snow Day


Over 70% of the nation had the momentous occurrence of being covered in snow simultaneously.  I remembered as a child loving snow days.  Way back then, they were true snow days.  There were no digital days because the digital/internet era had not become a thing yet.  We would pray for snow and then rejoice as the first inch of snow fell from sky.  We would throw on coats and gloves and rush to build a snowman, sled down our neighbor's big hill on whatever we could find that was slick, and come inside to immerse our freezing hands in lukewarm water until feeling had returned.  We would eat a big bowl of snow ice cream and snuggle in to watch whatever happened to be playing on the six channels we could get on television.  Life was simple.  Although life has become much more complicated, it's nice to see that some things remain the same.  Although my children did not get an official "snow day" due to virtual/digital school, they still rushed outside to play in the snow.  We still enjoyed snow ice cream and snuggled to watch television together.  So what do I take away from all of this?  There are some things we can't control, but what we make out of what's thrown at us is in our control.  I can rage at the world for the injustice I see, or I can plant kindness and hope in every square radius I occupy.  I can build proverbial snow men out of blizzards that cover us.  When you face hard situations, remember.  You may not be able to control what is thrown at you, but you can control how you react to it.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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