True Love


Valentine's Day has become one of the most commercial holidays out there.  I wanted to do something better than the typical candy for my husband, so I had to get creative.  I recalled many of our conversations over the years.  They went a little like this: "Where do you want to eat?"

My answer, "I don't know.  You decide."


"No, I don't want pizza."


"No, I don't want Mexican."


"No, I don't want that either."

"Then where would you like to eat?"

"I don't know.  Just pick something."  This little dialogue has happened so many times in our marriage that my husband has threatened to open a restaurant called I Don't Know, You Decide.  This led me to the perfect gift- food dice.  I took some wooden dice and wrote different food genres on them.  Instead of asking where to eat, we roll the dice and drive.  Valentine's Day takes me back to junior high school when everyone waited on pins and needles to see if an admirer would send flowers or a stuffed toy to school for them.  When you received nothing, you were crushed that no one admired you.  It seems that we connect our worth to whether or not we are admired by people.  The lie- if I have no one proving they admire me, then I must not be loved.  This is one of the most dangerous mindsets that can lead to broken marriages.  What happens when the person I married no longer does all the things that show they admire me?  Does that mean they no longer love me?  When we connect our worth to what people think of us, we will always walk away feeling empty because broken people cannot fully love.  So how do you find true love?  First, you need to repair your brokenness.  God promised He is a healer to the broken-hearted.  When we find our worth in our Creator who sees what we can be, not what we are, then we begin to heal.  Next, we need to get the correct order.  A person can never fill the hole in your heart that is shaped like God.  You see, God created you and made a place in your heart that only He can fill.  When we try to fill that spot with people or things, it's the equivalent of a child trying to force a star-shaped block through a circle-shaped hole.  It just won't fit correctly.  Trying to squeeze a significant loved one into the place only God can fill leaves gaps and emptiness.  You may ask, "Why is my significant other not measuring up?"  It is because they are only human.  First place was meant for God.  On Valentine's Day 30 years ago, I gave my life to Christ.  I abandoned my desires to let God have control of my decisions, my thoughts, my actions, and my heart.  I can say Jesus Christ is my true love and no man can ever take His place.  I challenge you to let Him be your greatest love because He already loves you more than anyone else on this planet!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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