How Do I React? (My Dog Peed On My Bed)


Saturday is my sleep-in day.  Everyone in my family knows this.  So on Saturday, no one slams the front door.  Everyone walks down the stairs on soft feet, and all questions and needs wait until after 7:30 am.  Scientifically, I know that sleeping in for one day will not make much difference on your recovery from the week before; but, for whatever reason, it feels like it makes a difference.  This leads me to this Saturday.  I was sleeping comfortably in bed when I had to use the restroom.  Hey, if you have had children or are over the age of 40, you will agree that it happens to you.  A bladder can only take so much torment.  I got up and took care of business quickly intending to crawl right back into my toasty bed and another couple hours of sleep.  That is until I walked into my room only to see my large dog standing up under the covers on the bed next to my husband.  I heard a strange sound- water running.  It was raining outside, but I knew it shouldn't be raining inside, so I yelled, "Is he peeing?!!!"  My husband who was still sleeping without a clue next to my urinating dog says, "What?"  To which I reply, "Get him out of the bed!!!!"  We move him off the bed to see a yellow puddle growing on our sheets on my husband's side of the bed (insert giggles and snickers here).  My husband drags him outside while I strip the bed of the sheets and mattress cover.  I disinfect and clean the mattress and wash the sheets.  As I looked at the clock reading 6 am, I am not happy.  There went my sleep-in day down the tubes.  This whole incident tainted my whole day.  I walked through the day grouchy and mumbling like a zombie.  I allowed one instance to change the whole course of my day.  How do I know this?  Because my husband was also a participant in the "How quick can you wake up when your dog pees on you?" game show.  He, however, had a great day.  He chose to reset from his initial reaction and start over.  I, however, chose to let my reaction create a chain effect for my whole day.  Are things looking bad in your life right now?  Has something happened that has tainted how you see and react to the world?  I challenge you.  Reset from your reaction.  Start over and change the way to respond.  After all, God is a big fan of new beginnings.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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