From Beaming Myself With a 2 x 4 to Prom...


This week has been loaded with the craziest stuff!  My daughter and I were preparing for upcoming prom, so we made a trip to Walmart to get some last minute things earlier in the week.  As we walked through the parking lot, I  had turned toward my daughter discussing something a teenager would talk about when I felt something slam into the side of my head!  Was I attacked by an intruder?  Hit by a stray flying object?  Beamed by falling debris from an airplane?  All of those things would have given a really great story.  I don't have any of those answers.  I know, you're wondering what happened.  Here's the thing.  I'm missing some peripheral vision on my right side, so I have a slight blind spot.  As I turned toward my daughter, I failed to see the massive old 2 x 4 board sticking out of a person's truck in the parking lot.  When I turned back. I slammed myself into the board which collided with my right temple.  I staggered, saw a few stars, and definitely felt like I had been attacked by a 2 x 4.  My daughter asked if I was okay, and then proceeded to laugh after she had confirmed I was fine.  I thought that I had given myself a concussion, and then I had a really big thought.  What if I ended up on People of Walmart?  I do not want my claim to fame to be a repetitive version of me walking into a board!  If anyone asks, yes, I am fine now.  I have a lump and a cut, but other than that, I will live.  After this, we continued through the week prepping for prom.  On prom day, we curled hair, tied dresses, and followed my daughters like crazy badly dressed paparazzi.  When my daughters had enough, my husband dropped the crew off for prom.  He saw parents and a crowd gathered around the barriers for the venue watching their children at the prom.  Today, we thought it would slow down, but no.  During worship, an elderly man in our congregation slumped over in his seat and appeared to stop breathing.  We stopped, prayed, and called 911.  I'm glad to say the man is doing fine now, and we really got to see God do amazing things.  The man went from unresponsive to sitting up and talking after prayer!  My husband followed the man to the hospital, and I stepped up and finished the sermon.  So what do I take out of all of this?  1) Pay attention to what's going on around you.  Spiritually, we get too distracted to notice things around us that could be important.  If we don't pay attention, you may be hit by an attack of the enemy and not even realize it.  The Bible mentions to be on your guard against the attacks of the enemy.  1 Peter 5:8 goes so far as to tell you to stay awake.

2) Don't just sit on the sidelines watching everything that is happening.  Get out there and be a part of the kingdom of God!  Pray for those who need it.  Share the love of God with the hurting.

3) God still does powerful miracles if we are just willing to believe.  God will answer prayers, but first you need to pray!

So after a very busy week/weekend, I am ready to rest.  I hope for a calm up-coming week, but even if it isn't calm, I serve a God who still calms storms!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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