The Meaning of Easter

During this day and age, there is much question over truth.  I've heard many say, "This is not my truth" or "that is your truth."  During this Easter season, let me tell you the truth. You are valuable.  How do I know this?  Because Jesus obeyed God and died on the cross for you.  What if the world were made of only you?  Would Christ still die on the cross?  Absolutely.  When God set in motion the plan to redeem mankind and make a way for all mankind to be made holy so that we may enter into His presence, He saw mankind as a collective, but He also saw each individual person.  He saw you who are feeling alone and broken.  You who feels that no one could possibly love you.  You who feels that the world has turned their backs on you.  You who has been hurt and become jaded.  He saw each and every one of us and determined that He wanted you back!  As soon as Adam chose sin over God, God began to make a plan to get you back!  That is how desperately He loves you.  Jesus gave everything He had to buy you back.  Imagine standing in a store and a gunman walks in.  Imagine the gunman opening fire and you standing directly in the path of the bullet.  Then imagine someone coming out of no where and stepping in front of you and taking that bullet and death so that you may live.  This is what Jesus did for you.  He saw your value where the world cannot.  He saw what you can be and took the death sentence for you so that you may have eternal life with God.  As we celebrate Easter, I want to you to remember that this is not about bunnies, eggs, or family dinners.  It is about your worth, and a Savior who saw your worth and gave His life so that you could achieve your full potential- life with your Heavenly Father.

Have a great week high-heeled warrior.


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