When It Rains It Pours (Getting Packages Delivered)


Have you ever noticed when you need an important package delivered, it deluge of rain seems to come out of no where?  Once when we were ordering a huge package of paper towels for the church, they arrived at the same time as a huge storm.  Our delivery person was nice enough to put them under the edge of our front step covering, right where the water drains.  We had a mushy box filled with water-logged paper towels.  At least we knew the paper towels were super-absorbent.  My daughters are nearing the day of their graduation, so we ordered their expensive graduation cards.  I was excited to see the results of a lot of designing.  I got the notification that the cards were delivered on my doorstep.  Guess what other notification was sent.  If you guessed a notification for a severe storm, you were right.  My daughter called me from the parking lot of her school to inform me that large hail was pelting her car along with massive winds, lightening, and rain.  You will be glad to know she survived the storm, after some panic and a thorough soaking.  When they arrived home, there was the box of invitations waiting for us.  You guessed it- in the spot where all the water on our roof drains.  They were able to peel apart the wet, mushy cardboard, and thankfully, the invitations were dry inside.  Thank you, Snapfish for wrapping invitations in plastic.  My point.  We live in a world that has fallen away from the influence of God's direction.  Because of this, negative things occur.  We will not always be able to avoid storms in our lives or the affects of the storms.  However, when we allow God to be in control of our lives, he wraps us in His protection, much like the plastic protected the graduation cards.  Even though the box got wet and seemed to fall apart, the cards were held safely in the plastic, and you are held safely in the Father's arms when the world around rages and things seem to fall apart.  So what is the answer to holding it together?  Trust in the packaging.  Trust that God who says He will guard and protect will do exactly what He says He will do.  When we put our trust in God, we find ourselves safe and protected.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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