I Will Not Cry...I Will Not Cry...I Will Not Cry


Over the last few months, you've seen me post a lot about my daughters graduating.  Well, it happened last night.  I sat in a folding chair on a basketball court watching my life change.  I remember going into labor very suddenly, and just as suddenly, becoming a parent to three children instead of just one.  Life changed in an instant.  This time, it has been a slow, creeping process.  As I watched my beautiful daughters walk across the court and receive their high school diplomas, it hit me like a ton of bricks.  Life is going to change.  I can't begin to say how proud I am of my babies.  I've watched them grow into these amazing young women.  They have stood firm in the faith when others have backed away.  They have shown kindness and love to others even when others did not deserve that kindness.  They have served the community whether feeding the hungry, working with small children, or cleaning the school or church.  They both have an amazing work ethic when the rest of the world seems to quit the minute things get hard.  I can't wait to see what God does through them, but I will miss those sweet moments with my babies.  At graduation, I held it together until a slide show was shown.  As a song about never growing up played, a picture of my daughters as babies popped up.  That was the moment I told myself, "I will not cry.  I will not cry."  I did not follow through with my mantra.  I cried a little.  I know it's the beginning of the tears, but it's not just tears of missing my babies.  It is tears of joy knowing that they are going to do amazing things.  So congratulations Aimee and Megan!  I love you so much and will always be here for my babies!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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