Mother May I...

 This Mother's Day has been bittersweet.  It has been a day of remembering parenting past and thinking about the future.  In the past, Mother's Day was macaroni necklaces, handprint cards, and silly pictures.  Today, it's making the most of the time I have with my children, whether in person or by phone.  I remember the earlier times when I would give directions over and over, hoping that my children would one day "get it."  I remember drilling into my children's minds to ask for permission before doing something.  Now, as young adults, asking for permission has passed.  I have hopefully planted everything that I can in my children's lives so that they can be successful adults.  Now,  a new day has dawned, and instead of permission, they ask for advice.  I will never stop seeing my children as my babies, but I look forward to seeing them as the amazing young men and women they become.  I can say that I am so thankful that God allowed me to be a mother to such wonderful children!  I love you all!  Happy Mother's Day moms everywhere.  Enjoy the moments and make memories!

Have a great week high heeled warriors!


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