My Time With You...


The last couple of weeks have seemed to fly by at a breakneck pace.  It seems that there is something going on every single day, so one thing that I really missed was spending time with my husband.  We've got to be around each other, but we haven't gotten to do our special dates in a while.  The dates sometimes consisted of grocery shopping at Walmart or getting a quick bite at a fast food drive-through and then discussing the day.  As we prepare for our daughters graduation, helping my husband's father move, and general church business, we've not been able to have our little dates.  While driving home from work, the thought entered my head that I missed those times set aside for just him and me.  When we get home, we unwind in different ways.  I read a book, and he watches television.  So on my drive home, I had a longing for just a moment set aside to just talk.  I've been sick all weekend, so my husband ended up sitting on the bed beside me this evening talking for a moment just like I wanted.  The thought occurred to me that this is how God feels about us.  He is just waiting for a moment to talk with us.  We want to so desperately unwind, so we choose our methods, but He still waits patiently for just a moment set aside for just us and Him.  I found that I miss my time with Him the most.  I want to set that time aside to just tell Him about my day and listen to His words of love.  Let's not forget our time with Him.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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