Hungry? My Venture into Eating Raw Shrimp...

Anyone who knows my family knows that we love weird experiences. So on our vacation, we made sure to dine with Medieval knights while feasting on half a chicken with our fingers. We also ventured into a local spot in Orlando that had around 20 food trucks where English was not spoken. We used a lot of gestures and pointing, but ate well. So trying new places is pretty common for us. My husband and I visited my son at college last night and decided to try a new restaurant in town. After a 40 minute wait to sit and another 40 wait for food, we were practically drooling. Keep in mind that one group after another left the restaurant praising the food. Since they specialized in seafood, I ordered the specialty shrimp. I was so excited until the large serving was placed before me. It was a mixture of the frozen medley that you get at Walmart- the one with broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots. It was mixed with rice, some...