Short and Sweet


As a teacher, one of the perks of the job is being off during the summer.  As my summer starts, I have a little tradition.  I have my hair cut at the beginning of every summer.  In some ways, it can be a little symbolic of letting go of the weight of the year and relaxing, but mostly it's because it gets super hot during the summer!  As I cut my hair, I thought about the crazy year we have faced.  We have tackled an election filled with turmoil, a global pandemic, and a digital educational system.  With all of the obstacles, it can be a little hard to adjust back to a semblance of normal.  Even now, we are returning to mask-free eating, watching movies in theaters, and hugging people.  I'm not a big hugger, so some things can return a little slower; however, I digress.  As we return to normal, it might be hard to let go of the stress and anxiety that we've had to carry as a country over the last year.  I want to encourage you to cut off the burdens you've carried in the past.  Just like with a haircut, there can be a little worry about what will it look like when the hair stylist is done.  But ultimately, there is a freedom in knowing that the old is gone, and something new has started.  We don't know what tomorrow is going to look like, but we can choose to cut off the worry and embrace that if we can make it through the last year, with God, we are strong enough to continue through tomorrow.  Just letting you know that I am taking a week off next week, so I will see you again on June 20th!  

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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