3 Years Since Brain Surgery

This week has been exciting for Megan.  Many of you have followed Megan's journey of healing from epilepsy.  Kyle and I have seen God do amazing miracles throughout our years of ministry, so we knew that healing was possible for Megan. The question wasn't if, but when and how.  From second grade on, our prayers petitioned heaven.  There were times where all we could do was stand on God's promise.  Three years ago we came to one of the hardest decisions a parent could make.  Medicines were not working, and the question was whether or not we would go with brain surgery. Removing a section of my daughter's brain seemed horrifying.  What if she died, became comatose, or blind? So I asked Megan what she wanted. She responded in one of the most mature ways I've ever seen.  She said that she believed God would take care of her.  She told me that if she died, she knew where she was going and trusted God enough to work everything out the way He needed.  How could I say no to that kind of faith.  After the surgery, her doctors marveled at how quickly she recovered. We were told there could be the possibility of blindness on the right side.  This did not happen! Now, three years later, she is still seizure-free. All that she needs now is a little medication and a big God.  She has a  driver's license, her own car, and is enrolled in college. So friends, open your heart to believing that God can do anything. He may not do it the way you think He will. In working through doctors, we've seen Megan's faith touch so many in that hospital. As we visited, a nurse from three years ago remembered Megan. God does things that make lasting impact. Trust God because He is a Way-maker!  

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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