Strolling Through a Coffee House With a Goose

My daughter says I'm weird.  I know that everyone says that their kids say they are weird, but this is a little different.  I've actually had people say that they wish my family would open a YouTube channel and film our family because it would be so entertaining.  Let me interject that my husband and I are pastors and teachers.  We have done some pretty weird things to help people from age 3 years old to 80 years old learn.  I've done everything from dressing as a Disney princess and delivering food baskets door-to-door to clog-dancing as an 80 year old woman in a jean jumpsuit.  Kyle and I have even attended a wedding as a medieval king and queen (per the bride's request).  Come on!  I would never show up at someone's wedding as a queen for kicks- maybe?  So the latest experience should come as no surprise to those who know me.  My husband is a science teacher and is moving into a new room at his high school.  He loves to bring science to life for his students.  This has left me doing a scavenger hunt for escaped boa constrictors, bathing weasels (it was a ferret, but I liked to call it a weasel), and doing discreet hand-offs from our local escargot provider for my husband's turtle.  You don't know weird until you find yourself driving with a bag of water-soaked snails in your lap.  The latest adventure has been procuring taxidermy for my husband's room.  He wants to allow students to have an up-close encounter with some animals.  While walking through my local coffee house, I noticed a vintage snow goose hanging on the wall.  I knew my husband would love it.  Early in our marriage, my husband had the opportunity to go hunting for snow geese in Monroe, La.  He bought the white-out gear, drove out to the middle of no where, and waited in the early-morning fog.  When he had his chance, he shot down a goose and was encouraged to go collect his goose.  The guys told him to approach the goose and ring it's neck.  When he approached, it lay quietly until he tried to pick it up.  At that point, it began to beat the ever-loving daylights out of my husband with it's very large wings.  He fought off the throttling while the goose attacked his pant's leg with its' beak.  He hasn't been goose-hunting since, but this lovely goose made me think of those days when we were first married.  As I carried a very, very large goose with wings outstretched for flight around the coffee house, I got more than a few strange looks.  I'm sure driving around with a flying goose as your passenger seemed a little odd, also.  But it was worth it.  School is starting back soon.  As your teachers return to the front-lines, remember this.  There are amazing teachers that are willing to go the extra mile if it means one student will find the motivation to not give up.  They will chase snakes if it allows a student who felt untouchable to open their heart to a living thing, train parrots to say crazy things to bring a smile to a student's face who was struggling with depression, and yes, relive a beat-down by a bird if it means that a student finds peace looking at nature.  My husband is that teacher.  They don't get enough recognition, especially after the horrendous year battling COVID.  Can I get an "amen" from my fellow teachers?  The educational system has taken a beating, but it's teachers are getting back up and preparing to fight to help children and youth everywhere succeed!  So as you walk through Walmart and see the rows of school supplies, say a prayer for our teachers for the upcoming school year and send out some positive praise for those who go the extra mile to teach!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!



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