Is Your Life a Shipwreck?

First, I should preface this by saying this. This mental pause is brought to you by menopause! As I get older, there are crazy moments in my life where I honestly feel like a shipwreck.  Two days ago, I called my dog by my son's name.  Of course, he did not respond.  It gets better.  I started the day by making myself a nice cup of coffee.  When my daughter brought me my watery coffee, I realized that I forgot to put the coffee pod in the coffee maker.  I spent 10 minutes this morning trying to tell my daughter that I forgot to bring garlic powder to church for a potluck.  It took me 10 minutes because I couldn't remember what the garlic powder was called.  No, I am not having a stroke.  I have just started having mental pauses.  Moments when I just can't think of something or remember what I was doing.  There's also the moments when you feel like you are heating up from the inside out.  My poor daughter's boyfriend was standing in front of the oven just to stay warm!  The only other time I have been this hot was when I was pregnant.  And I am definitely NOT pregnant.  I am just aging.  It's life, but it doesn't make it any less frustrating.  It seems that time speeds up while our memories slow down.  In one of my pity moments, I thought I really am sometimes a shipwreck.  This got me thinking about ships.  The painting above is a lovely painting I found at a Goodwill store.  It takes up a large part of my living room wall.  When I bought it, I was driving my car.  My daughter was really frustrated at my determination to make it fit.  I succeeded and love to look at this painting.  It reminds me of when Peter attempted to walk on the water.  He saw Jesus walking on the water, heard Jesus call Peter to join him, and climbed out of the boat with little thought.  That had to be a big moment for a fisherman to forget the concept of water and buoyancy.  He did great until he took his eyes off of Jesus and looked at the circumstances.  The beautiful point is that Jesus rescued him anyway.  When I watch pirate movies, I notice that the first thing a pirate does when they take over a ship is remove the flag of the ship and put up one of their own.  By doing this, it shows everyone who is in control of the ship.  Your life may be traveling through some rough waters.  You may think that you are headed straight for a wreck.  My question to you is this.  Whose flag flies high on your ship? Who have you given control of your ship?  When Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, he was able to navigate troubled waters.  When we keep our eyes on the one in control of our lives, we will travel safely, even if the waters are troubled.  

Have a great week high-heeled warriors! 


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